Formula Junior & Pit Scenes

Saturday sept. 17; although being quite early underway to the circuit, as we looked very much forward to the event, time didn’t allowed us to do so…!

Taking care of our papers and photo passes; Noel could just catch the last lap at the pit wall of the Formula Junior Race….see below…

However, attending again the Saturday when the Six Hours Endurance will take place; we felt priviliged to be part again of the wonderful atmosphere at this track.

We feel very much at home around here and once again hats off to the fantastic organisation of the Spa Six Hours.

Enjoy our report full of fine images!

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Pit Scenes & Impressions

As usual, walking around is mostly rewarded for snapping pictures; familiar scenes often, but different cars and settings.

Focus on the marvellous Shadow no. 88, the remarkable Maki Japanese F1 car and the Parmalat Brabham BT49C, which unfortunately wasn’t going to race. Probably due to a technical issue on the practice at Friday…..